Pro life
Pro work |
Hey, what're you talking about. You are working for living. What's wrong
with working hard?
Pro life |
Pro work |
You've got to think about this: You are working at an American company.
Comparing your workload with those of other Japanese companies, you can't
just yet complain about it, can you. Besides, your income is better than
those in Japanese companies.
Pro life |
justify 出来るかということだ。そして justify 出来ないレベルに時折感じることがあるということだ。それに金が全てじゃないし。
Pro work |
Would you dare to go back to easier responsibilities with a lower income,
then? You wouldn't, would you?
Pro life |
with Morrie」の中の問いかけには考えさせられたよ:
Are you becoming what you want to be?
Are you at pease with yourself?
Are you trying to be as human as you can be?
Pro work |
Well, they certainly do but question is if you know what you want to be?
Do you? I know you do lots of things, like, illustrations, photos, fishing.
You also write stories and scenarios. You now have this homepage as well.
But still.... I am not too sure you have one as your life-long challenge.
Pro life |
Pro work |
Absolutely! You should keep looking for it but you shouldn't get two things
mixed up. What you want to be is one thing but questioning your present
worklife balance at your present workplace is another story.
I would take it easier but keep considering my life-long challenge, i.e., what I want to be. The last thing to do, to me, is to make 'what you are suffering' the reason of starting considering 'what you want to be'. Your strong desire of what-you-want-to-be should drive your lifestyle if anything does.
Pro life |
言うのは簡単だけどね。毎度のことだけど、これにはなかなか答えが出ないね。Pro workさんともともと意見が合うわけもないんだけど。ただこうした議論は頭の中を整理するのには時折とても役に立つね。
Pro work |
Right. I thought that's the whole point of this discussion.
形こそ違え、大抵の皆さんはこのようなことを何らかの形で考えることがあるのでは、と思います。そんな時こうして文章に書き出してみると不思議と少しだけ葛藤がなんなのかがはっきりしてくることがあります。議論の尽きないテーマですし、個人個人の生き方に大きく依るテーマです。いろいろな人の意見を聞いてみたいものです。 |